The Edge of Never

During a recent procrastination session, I stumbled upon the Edge of Never, a book and film by author Bill Kerig.  In 1996, free skiing pioneer Trevor Patterson died while attempting a line known as Glacier Ronde in Chamonix. He left behind a wife and two children. His son Kye has gone on to become a young ski talent. Edge of Never follows Kye’s journey to ski the line that took his father’s life. I’ve only seen the trailer and have the movie headed for me in the mail, but I wanted to post this up as the Edge of Never is in the midst of its West Coast Tour. Try catching.  Kye has developed into quite a ripper. I also found some footage Kye put together from a recent trip to Las Lenas.  I couldn’t get the embed to work properly, but go check it out. Pretty cool bit of skiing and appropriate since it sounds like a lot of you are digging out from storms. It fits with our ongoing discussions of risk balanced against dreams and passion. Plus it’s a ski movie with a plot — crazy talk.

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